Every lesson is tailored to your child’s needs. With support and encouragement your child can reach their true potential and feel happy with their personal progress. Parents use lessons to support their children in different ways and we are a team guiding your child in their next steps. Often parents approach me with a few key areas that have been flagged up in a school report or mentioned at parents’ evening and this can be our focus. Other parents have found their child slipping behind and starting to worry about a certain lesson or homework and I can step in a reteach, support and help re-engage and boost their confidence and guide parents with support homework tasks and games to play.

Children love to play online games to support their work with me, but many enjoy creating their own board games. Whilst I guide the questions in the early days they soon love to set challenges for other pupils and receive their written feedback and thank you notes. This helps gives pupils ownership, reinforces what they have learnt and by challenging others they work so hard themselves.

Roman Numerals 4 in a row

Early steps in fractions

Bus stop (short) & long division

Making Maths Fun